Fifth Generation

195. Vachel WORTHINGTON was born in 1718. He died in 1799 at the age of 81. The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 13, 1766:

To be sold by the Subscriber, living in Baltimore County, Maryland, a Tract of Land, containing One Thousand Acres, situated in the County aforesaid, on the Road leading from Baltimore Town, to Canniwago, and about 16 Miles from said Baltimore Town, on which is a neat and convenient Brick Dwelling house, 2 Stories high, Dimensions 30 Feet by 32, a large Brick Milk House, Meat house, a Quarter House, 24 feet by 18, good Corn Houses, and Stables, a large well built Barn, 14 feet Pitch, 45 feet long, and 24 wide, floored with two Inch White Oak Plank, well seasoned throughout, and spike down, also many other valuable and necessary Improvements. There are about 300 Acres of the same Land clear, and under good Fence, 25 Acres of Meadow clear, and sowed with Timothy and Clover Grass Seeds, and has yielded several plentiful Crops of Grass, 60 Acres of Meadow Ground ditched and dry, and about 15 Acres thereof clear, and fit for sowing, a good Orchard, containing between 4 and 500 Bearing Apple Trees, the fruit White York Pippins and Read Streaks, the Pasture Grounds very good, and remarkable for raising an supporting Stock of all Kinds; the whole Land well watered, and several good Situations for Mills, of any kind of Water Works. The Soil rich, and produces well any kind of Grain, Tobacco, Hemp or Flax, generally level. The Title indisputable, and Purchaser may enter on the same immediately. Also to be sold, a Term of near seven Years on Lease, of a Furnace, a good Grist mill and Saw mill, with a large and valuable Quantity of Woodland, good Pasture Grounds, and Marsh Meadows, commonly known by the Name of Onion Iron Works, on the Little Falls of Gunpowder River, near Joppa; together with a good stock of Iron Ore, Charcoal and Oyster shells, Pair of new Wood Bellows, and all Implements and Necessaries for making Iron immediately at said Furnace; also sundry Servants and two very good Teams, Six Horses to each Team, Cars, Waggons, and Geering, and sundry other Things too tedious to mention in this Advertisement; the Situation, Mine Banks, and in Conveniencies of said Works, being so universally known, it would be needless to say they excel any other in the Province. Any Person or Persons inclinable to purchase any or either of the Premises aforesaid, by applying to the Subscriber in Joppa, may know his Terms. Vachel Worthington.
(Found in a FamilyTreeMaker Genealogy of the Worthington family)

Vachel WORTHINGTON and Priscilla BOND were married on 17 November 1757 in St Thomas Parish, Baltimore County, MD. Priscilla BOND was born on 3 July 1735.