The Genealogy Research of Lynne Roberts

Scrapbooks: The Family of Gilchrist and Abby (Hammond) Roberts

Junius Young Roberts Abby and infant GP Roberts, Jr John Hammond Roberts
Junius Young Roberts
b. 1909, CA - d. 1999, OR
Abby and Gilchrist Porter Roberts, Jr
He was born 1906, CA - d. 1976, CA
John Hammond Roberts
b. 1911, CA - d.1981, FL
The Three Roberts Brothers G P Roberts Family Abby and her Sons
From left: Gilchrist (Gil), Junius (June) and John (Jack)
The family — standing in front of their home in Stockton, CA

From left: June, GP, Sr, Jack, Abby and Gil. In background, John Dorsey Porter, GP's uncle.

Summering in Pacific Grove

From left: Gil, June, Jack, and Abby

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